by Susan | Mind, Relationships
I knew having an empty nest would feel strange. I just didn’t realize it would feel like it happened so fast. One minute, I was rocking my babies to sleep, smelling that sweet baby shampoo smell, and grinning in the dark as I savored the moment. The next, I was trying...
by Susan | Body, Mind, Work
I Paid a Small Fortune for What May Be My Best Desk Chair Ever. Here’s How I Like It. If they ever make a documentary about me stalking my new ALL33 desk chair, I hope they get Sir David Attenborough to do the narration. NARRATOR: Tonight, on NOVA: As daylight breaks,...
by Susan | Mind, Relationships
Beating this periodic midlife rage thing is going to take some practice. Or bail money. Ever shock your normally even-tempered and rational self with the realization you’ve become a fire-breathing midlife rage dragon? Damn, I hate when that happens. But there we were,...