Will Working Out and Eating Right Really Help Me Feel More Confident?

Are you somebody who struggles with a lack of self-confidence? Maybe you have considered counseling or therapy to help you feel more confident. Yet, paying attention to your exercise routines and diet is beneficial.

feel more confident

How Do They Work Together?

Exercising regularly and eating better will help you gain some self-esteem. This is due to several reasons.


There is no guarantee that exercising will yield a perfect body, but by trying to get fit you will feel more productive and proactive towards improving your health. Especially when you feel as if your fitness efforts aren’t successful, it’s important to remember that by putting in the work to get fit, you are doing what is best for your body.

Benefits of taking care of yourself

There are a lot of good things that can happen to you when you start eating better and exercising daily, such as clearer skin, toned muscles, weight loss, etc. This does NOT mean getting on yet another weight loss diet. You’ve probably had more than enough of that nonsense, right? But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat well and move often to keep your body feeling great. Plus, when you like the way you look, you’ll feel better all the time!

Food affects your mood

Studies show that the food that you ingest can have effects on your mood. This consequently affects your level of confidence. If you feel irritable or grouchy, you may have decreased blood sugar. If your diet is too rich in sugar, you may experience depression. The best foods to eat if you want to feel good are lean proteins and complex carbs. Like cooking, but hate planning meals and shopping? You should try one of these meal delivery services (plus, you’ll actually save money using them instead of going to the store).

Feel More Confident

Feed yourself for optimal energy

Being tired and sluggish all the time can leave you feeling like a slug, not a strong, confident woman. When you eat a nutritious diet and exercise, you will gain more energy and confidence.

Boost your endorphin levels

When you exercise, your body begins to produce more endorphins. These chemicals in your brain are conducive to feeling good. By raising your endorphin levels, you will improve your mood and treat depression.

Increased productivity as a side benefit

Once you start exercising regularly and eating right, your confidence and energy levels will start to climb. That’ll help you become a lot more productive at school, work, in your relationships and hobbies, and other areas of your life. Being more productive also results in you feeling more confident.

Vitamin C(onfidence)?

Confidence correlates directly with the way you feel and look. By consuming the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, your skin, hair, nails, and teeth will look their best. Just by improving these parts of your physical appearance, you’ll begin to feel more confident.

Shopping for vitamins can be confusing. Will this one help? Is that one a waste of money? But there are a couple that truly support mood, which in turn affects your confidence. Try out Vitamin D and B-complex vitamin supplements. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble supplement occasionally recommended by doctors to help patients suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD. By beginning to ingest these important minerals and vitamins on a daily basis, you’re bound to feel a lot better about yourself in various ways.

